WALK-A-BOUT - noun | walk·​about | \ ˈwȯ-kə-ˌbau̇t \

1: a journey engaged in by an Australian Aborigine where they learn to survive the ritual separation from their tribe.

2: Walk-A-Bout is a rite of. passage in Australian Aborginal moiety, during which males. undergo a journey during adolescence, typically ages 10 to 16, and live in the wilderness for a period as long as six months to make the spiritual and traditional transition into manhood.



Knowledge is Power


S - Size Up the Situation
U - Use your Senses
R - Remember where you are; Pay Close Attention: Awareness
V - Vanquish FEAR and PANIC
I - Improvise Tools with what you’ve got; Be Creative
V - Value Living
A - Act like Natives; Observe how others and animals Survive & Adapt
L - Learn Basic Skills


  • Learn how to make a fire with both primitive & other methods

  • Fire Safety & Protocols

  • Reasons for a Fire

Shelter Building

  • Using Tarps, Emergency Shelters, Natural Shelters

  • Choosing Camp and Shelter Location

  • Camp Safety

    Finding Water Sources

  • Identifying Possible Water Sources

  • Water is always a priority in Survival (Water means LIFE)

  • Good and Bad Choices

  • Purification and Filtering (What’s the difference?)


  • Hunting and gathering is how primitive and indigenous tribes survive and those who practice it for a living. The idea of learning to hunt for survival is not the solution as you need experience and knowledge as to how to hunt and prepare the kill for safe eating.

  • Let’s look into ways to prepare different foods before the unexpected happens.


Walk-A-Bout programs are developed through experiential learning. Building essential skills that create confidence and a sense of accomplishment by learning life and survival skills. This will bring new unexplored experiences that will make a difference in your outlook in life and bring a new adventure to talk about to your friends and family.

Understanding the basics of survival builds a relationship with nature and in turn, builds a stronger relationship with yourself and others. Creating awareness having a better sense of your surroundings and preparedness for the unexpected. Understanding the importance of one’s mindset in a survival situation. Becoming more conscious of the human impact on this planet and moving in harmony with it.

The obsessive dependence on technology and modern-day conveniences has contributed to us becoming a lost society and lack of self-reliance. It has distanced and separated society and especially our children from the wonders of nature and all her teachings. Every living thing is considered a valued life of existence.

The goal is to create future protectors, advocates, and leaders. Learning wilderness survival to reconnect with nature in a harmonic way can be achieved.

Walk-A-Bout programs include wilderness survival, learning geology, the importance of our ecosystem, and environmental and wildlife education. It is the ultimate fun and explorative adventure and educational experience for learning.

Walk-A-Bout Programs develop key leadership skills while building confidence and resilience. This helps overcome fears, challenges, and adversities that we all face today and from our past and prepares us for the future. More importantly, it’s building a deeper relationship with ourselves and a sense of achievement which profoundly develops self-growth and awareness for both our Children and Adults.


Wilderness Safety protocol

  • LNT (Leave No Trace)

  • Clothing and Protection

  • Hike Readiness (Contact Information - Personal and Officials)

  • Trail Setting and Markers

  • Navigation (Compass, GPS and Natural Land Navigation)

  • Preparation and Hazards (Environment, Animals and Hazards)

  • Desert, Mountains and Forests

  • Snakes, Bears, Mountain Lions

  • Weather and Storms

Backpack Preparedness and Essentials

  • Choosing the right backpack

  • Essential items and Placement

  • Water, First Aid Kit, Sustainable Foods, Clothing

  • Preparing for the Unexpected


  • Choosing and preparing the Fire Site

  • Materials

  • Fire Starters

  • Fire Safety

Basic First Aid

  • Treatment of Cuts, Stings, Blisters and Splinters

  • Snake Bite

  • Sprained Ankle, Wrist, Knee and Shoulder

  • Dehydration

  • Heat Exhaustion

  • Hyperthermia

  • Altitude Sickness and Headaches

  • Basic First Aid Kit

  • CPR

  • Emergency Protocols and Signaling

    I do NOT teach First Aid as an Instructor. I educate on the subject of First Aid for very minor signs and symptoms and prevention ONLY. As a Certified NOLS Wilderness First Aider, I am responsible for the Safety and prevention, and care of common treatment of Dehydration, minor cuts, scratches, grazes, splinters & blisters. THIS IS NOT A CLASS.


WALK-A-BOUT | Wilderness Survival Adventure Experience  [FALL 2025] WALK-A-BOUT | Wilderness Survival Adventure Experience  [FALL 2025] WALK-A-BOUT | Wilderness Survival Adventure Experience  [FALL 2025] WALK-A-BOUT | Wilderness Survival Adventure Experience  [FALL 2025]
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WALK-A-BOUT | Wilderness Survival Adventure Experience [FALL 2025]
from $200.00

Walk-A-Bout Adventures is taking a break. I have been honored and humbled by the unwavering support from families and communities entrusting me with their children. I have endured much suffering in both knees, needing medical attention, and it has become urgent. I will be undergoing Bi-Lateral Total Knee Replacements & rehabilitation in Australia until further notice. Upon my return, I am excited to start an all-new adventure and educational programs, including Sustainable Learning and Personalized Wilderness Survival Training and experiences at Walkabout Ranch, Llano, California