Veteran celebrity survivalist, Manu Toigo, has had a rough and rugged journey since childhood that uniquely equips her to teach and educate life skills that can save your life and strengthen your will, the will to LIVE.

Her extreme life experiences and passion for the outdoors became her purpose for creating authentic programs for children and adults to learn and marvel at nature.

Australian born living in Los Angeles with a wild adventurous heart explores all the surrounding wilderness mountains and loves to share all her knowledge and wisdom.

Her next project is currently in the development of creating a self-sustainable and off-grid learning, personalized survival experience, and yurt & primitive camping on a 40-acre high desert property in Llano, California, just outside Los Angeles.

Walk-A-Bout Outdoor Adventures is Taking A Break Until Further Notice

For the past 10 years, I have been honored and humbled by the unwavering support from families and communities entrusting me with their children. I feel I’ve brought much inspiration to my life becoming a role model for so many.

Due to knee injuries I sustained when I served in the Australian Army, I have endured much suffering in both knees needing urgent medical attention in Austraila. I have had Bi-Lateral Total Knee Replacements and will be persistent with getting stronger with Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation until Late Summer.

Upon my return, I am excited to reinvent myself and start an all-new adventure and educational programs, including Sustainable Learning and Personalized Wilderness Survival Training and experiences at Walkabout Ranch, Llano California.

wish for more Information, please email me at

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are you ready for your adventure?


“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity”
― John Muir



Build a relationship with the wilderness around you. Learn how the ancestors survived off the land. Teaching children wilderness survival and wildlife and environmental education. Bringing lost connection with our wilderness and nature back into their lives.
